Cash Discounting
Tired of paying the processing fees for your business’s transactions? It might be time to explore your options for Cash Discounting. Cash iDiscounting can be an amazing for you to process payments faster and also encourage more ordering. We can help you navigate the complex world of zero processing fees while also making sure your business is compliant. Enterprise Payment Systems has helped businesses lower their fees, give information to their customers, and provide the technological support that they need to move forward. If you are thinking of changing the way your business accepts payments, contact us today and we can help!
Why Cash discounting Works

Save Money
Make Money
Enterprise Payment Systems is here to help you with your payment processing solutions.
Cash discounting services have been embraced in the last few years to lower the liabilities of companies and to encourage customer loyalty by having them come back. By offering a cash discount at checkout, customers are more likely to buy from you then your main competitors because you are cheaper! There are a myriad of other benefits to your business as well,learn how you can save below by understanding surcharges more and add it up in your head how much Cash Discounting can help you:
Q: How do Cash Discounts work?
A: In order to offer your customers a benefit of paying with cash, you are offering a cash discount for your products and services.
Q: Can I do this anywhere?
A: Yes! It is a benfit more and more businesses are exploring. Complete transacations faster, avoid alterntive fees, and accept cash.
Q. Are there additional costs?
A: Yes, there are additional costs, and they vary from client to client. EPS will fully disclose and explain them in your analysis.
Q: What should I be careful of?
A: Point of Sale systems can be configured to automatically apply the discount. It is just a matter of making sure that the right offer is applied to the system. A lot of times these are propriety systems and cannot be controlled by you. Enterprise Payment Systems can help you navigate these and get you the best system for your service!
These are questions you no longer have to worry about with Cash Discounting!
