Fraud prevention
Your success is our own.
We know the risks associated with taking electronic payments regardless of whatever form it is in. Every day cyber attacks are launched against businesses big and small. We understand that your customer loyalty and trust are the lifeblood of your business. That is why risk management is a huge part of our business and how we can serve you. Whether you are thinking of starting electronic payments or already are taking them, avoid identity theft and business problems and rely on our business to protect yours today.
Risk Management Services

Fraud Prevention



Global Connections

Global Policies
Protect Yourself
Fraud can hit a business anytime in any place. Fraud can occur from outside sources, your suppliers, customers, and even your staff members. Being susceptible on all fronts seems daunting for any business owner. However, EPS is ready to help you and work with your business so that you ca prevent fraud from occurring.
Your biggest step is to always be skeptical in your business. If a deal is too good to be true it probably is. Question the ones that stand out always and investigate anything that is going on in the background whether it is a deal, an opportunity, or even documents that come across your desk.
Another easy way to prevent fraud in your business is something you are already doing; knowing your business inside and out. Fraud happens when there is a blind spot in the way you run your business. Either your focus is pulled over here leaving an open opportunity for someone to take advantage of you. If you know all aspects of your business and how your business is run, you can mitigate fraud from happening.
Every good business will take the time to re-strengthen their relationships with their suppliers and vendors. Always making sure they are on your side and that they feel great about working with you will make them feel like they need to protect your business from fraud as well. They might even cut you a deal from time to time as well!
Finally, you can take an immediate step to come up with a plan for when you find fraud in the business. When people know the consequences of what can it happen it can act as a deterrent as well. You can make anyone think twice about hurting your business when they know what will happen.
For everything else, there is EPS. We can help you prevent fraud a number of ways, from cyber attacks to identifying the areas of your business that can be targeted. Call us today and let us work with your business to make sure you are protected from fraud and theft going forward.